Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Diet Crazes (Crazies)

I'm just SO sick and tired of being barraged with the latest "new" way to: lose weight/get rock-hard abs/get rid of the 40 lbs of undigested meat you've been carrying in your intestines for decades. Every week there's a "new" way to get the body you want, when it's really pretty simple: stop eating crap.

Breaking News: A new berry, found in the excrement of the red-butted baboon, is thought to have spectacular weight-loss properties that may benefit humans. "We're very excited about this", said local scientist Pierre Ahmafraud (and by scientist we mean someone wearing a white lab coat). "We noticed right away that this particular berry (named the Gottasquat berry) seemed to be found only in the largest piles of baboon feces. I don't think it's
too much of a scientific leap to theorize that because it accompanies large poops - and I'm trying to use laymen's terms here - it goes without saying, even though I'm saying it, that the berry is likely a super cleanser. We think this will be of tremendous help to millions of obese Americans, particularly those fond of consuming berries extracted from primate fecal matter." Several companies are vying for rights to the berries, although production and marketing may be tricky. "Production initially seemed like the biggest hurdle; the berries in their natural state are indigestible by humans. It's the digestive process of the baboons that makes them viable for use in humans. It would be very expensive to sit around waiting for the baboons to eliminate and then have an employee sort through the feces. They just don't eat enough to produce the volume required to fit the need." Scientists believe they have it figured out, however. "We're planning on feeding the baboons a diet of cheeseburgers, fries, soda and 1,00 calorie coffees - you know, basically the average American diet - and slip the berries into the cheeseburger. We're also adding Ex-Lax in a dose 10-20 times the recommended dosage to everything in the diet to increase the frequency of the bowel movements." When asked if they didn't expect the baboons to reject cheeseburgers with berries hidden in them, the scientists responded, "They've been selling cheeseburgers by the BILLIONS to Americans that contain less than 40% meat and NO ONE questions what the other 60% is made up of - why would you think the baboons would notice?" The marketing departments are already abuzz with coming up with new product names. One that was leaked by an anonymous marketing person was: "Babpoop". Filling the position of "feces-sorter" is also expected to be problematic, even in this economy.

Breaking News: HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) being upstaged by HIIT (High Intensity Injury Trauma). A new study, released by the Richard Simmons Institute for Aerobics and Short Shorts, revealed that the new fitness craze, HIIT, while initially quickly producing remarkable results, tends to see a plateauing after the first few weeks. Orthopedic doctors quickly identified the cause for the "plateau" as a result of actually having to cease exercising due to the unusually high rate of ligament, muscle and tendon tears, broken bones, internal hemorrhaging and
in one case, a dislocated chest (the first ever known in medical history), injuries commonly associated with the new fitness craze. For those unfamiliar with HIIT, it typically involves overturning truck tires (while still attached to the trucks for the more advanced), working out with ropes (ropes usually used to moor battleships), and less typically, rhino-tipping. However, HIIT zealots brush off that theory and claim their participants aren't doing enough, and most people don't have a high enough pain threshold to "get really ripped, bro". "We blame the participants", states Crosspit owner/trainer and "Pain Should Just be Ignored" author Kirk Lattissimus. "These wussies start slacking at the first sign of pain. Pain's just your body's way of telling you that you're doing the right thing. That's the signal that they need to step it up and work through the pain to reach that next level of fitness. That's why our motto is, "If it ain't tearin', that swimsuit you won't be wearin'!" When asked what he thought of the medical community's outrage over his suggestion that people exercise past the point of tearing connective tissue, Kirk's response was, "When's the last time you met a medical professional who could bench 400 lbs.? Think they're really qualified to make those kind of judgements?" When asked if he felt responsible for possibly encouraging people to push themselves to a point where they may get a permanent, debilitating injury, Kirk replied, "I don't answer questions from dweebs who don't do Burpees, bro. Drop and give me 20."

Breaking News: New Cleanse Diet reportedly also eliminates several organs, boosting weight loss gains.  A new cleanse diet sweeping the nation, claiming to clean out years of undigested meat and jello shots and thus help you immediately drop weight and inches, seems to be causing an
added "benefit": losing unwanted/unneeded organs. Based on several patients's reports (after admission to local emergency rooms) of large, "organ-like" feces found in their toilets nanoseconds after drinking the wildly popular "Lavender Rooter", it was noted upon ultrasound analysis that many had lost not only all undigested food stuffs in their intestines, but also part of those intestines, kidneys, gall bladders, appendixes, pancreases, ovaries and in one case, a testicle. Medical professionals are sounding the alarm on the dangers of this new "cleanser", but the users are less concerned. One patient stated, "I haven't been able to fit into a size 12 in YEARS! I still have one kidney, so what's the big deal? Being able to see my toes again, while still being able to shovel anything I want into my mouth is TOTALLY worth it!" Another patient, who asked to remain anonymous, begged to differ. "I miss my testicle. It's like I've lost one of two close friends." That patient's wife was unavailable for comment as she had to be resuscitated after passing out from a sudden laughing fit.

Seriously, if you want to lose weight, it's pretty simple. But it's not easy, and therein lies the rub; we want the easy/quick fix that requires the least amount of energy and/or willpower. And we're willing to pay for special food, drinks, cleanses, wraps, exercise devices, pills, surgeries, etc. to achieve it. But you only need four things:

  1. A little knowledge - knowing what foods are good/bad (hint: if it's processed and will not decompose for 10 years, it's probably "bad"), what kind of calories you're consuming, and a clear realization of what a "serving size" is.
  2. A little math - this is the easy part: burning more calories than you consume = losing weight. So either eat less, exercise more, or, ideally, do both at the same time.
  3. A way to track what you're eating/burning - tons of apps/devices out there that will help you with this, but you have to be honest and diligent. The one I use is a free app called MyFitnessPal, and it is simple to use and works and syncs on all platforms (smartphones, PC's and tablets). I highly recommend it.
  4. A little willpower - this is by far the hardest part. But if it's important to you, you'll do it. But don't fall into the trap of losing weight/inches "for" an event/season/etc.. Don't diet - change your lifestyle, and you'll find it's far easier to maintain your weight than constantly re-losing it. Peace.

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