Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Am I Just Making Expensive Pee?

Multivitamins and supplements. I take them, but I'm always wondering: are they making me healthier, or am I just making really expensive urine?

Why do I wonder? There's just so many conflicting opinions. Healthcare professionals, and by that I mean people who work at GNC or The Vitamin Shoppe, highly recommend them, using specialized technical jargon like, "Creatine", "Branched Chain Amino Acids" and "Bro". Apparently I need pre-workout, during workout and post-workout powders/drinks/syringes if I want "to get really huge". Fortunately, these only come in 55-gallon drum sizes, so I'm pretty sure the act of carrying them to my car and into my house will help me get "huge". Or a hernia - no pain, no gain, Bro. Besides, getting huge is a young man's game - I'm just trying to neutralize the pre-death rigor-mortis that appears to have laid claim to my body.

Doctors, those "other" healthcare professionals, who think they know everything because they've gone to higher-education institutions for a decade or so, can name every bone in the human body, and amassed enough student-loan debt to exceed our national debt, won't really weigh in on the matter. Except Dr. Oz, of course. who, among other "miracles", suggests we drink a special green coffee (that means the beans aren't roasted, so obviously they have magical powers) because it will help us lose weight, re-grow hair, get Congress to actually DO something and bring peace to our planet. And we should trust him, because:
  1. he's a doctor
  2. he's got his own TV show
  3. he's endorsed by Oprah 
  4. he's got a REALLY cool name
Here's the other thing I can't figure out - they sell multivitamins, right? Which have somewhere upwards of 357,000 different vitamins at potencies of more than 50,000 times what the RDA is, all in...ONE PILL. But I can also buy pills that are composed, supposedly, of just ONE of those 357,000 vitamins, and somehow, they can actually be LARGER than the multivitamin - how is that even possible? This is a question, along with, how can you possibly fit 4 normal-sized adults in a Fiat 500, that needs to be answered.

One of the supplements I take is Omega-3. Well, actually, it's SUPER Omega-3; which is obviously WAY better than NORMAL Omega-3. If they came out with a Super-Duper Omega-3, you know I'd be all over that bad boy. The Omega-3 I take has no fish oil in it even though I know fish oil is considered the Captain America of Omega-3 supplements. That's because fish oil burps, which are inevitable when taking fish oil capsules, taste like, you guessed it, fish oil. Actually, they taste like the fish vomit from a fish that has eaten several fish that have ingested fish oil capsules. I imagine you could come close to the same experience gargling with the oil that sardines are packed in, followed by rubbing anchovies over your lips after working a 10 hour day at a fish market. Really - a fish oil burp can make you want to rip your own face off. People in your immediate vicinity, and by that I mean a 2-block radius, also want to rip their own faces off.

The multivitamin I take, while not causing toxic burps, does turn my urine an interesting color. I imagine I could get the same effect by sucking on a yellow highlighter for several hours. And again, it's hard to figure out if I'm doing myself any good, or am I just throwing money down the toilet, literally.

Hey, if I eat asparagus every day as well, I can get nearly glow-in-the-dark, strange smelling, and expensive urine. Throw in some fish oil capsules, weaponize it to be delivered via drone strikes, and we can rule the world. A better world, through the targeted delivery of multivitamins and supplements. Peace.

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