Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Viagra - Yeah, I Went There

I was prescribed Viagra pre-surgery to increase blood flow to the area, which can aid in healing and reduce complications. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it. That said, these things are friggin' expensive! I'm surprised there's not more 50+ year-old crime out there (excluding Wall St and Congress, of course). Ask your doctor if Viagra's right for you? Nah - ask your attorney if you can afford it. B&E becomes B&E&E - Breaking and Entering and Erect. Lovely. Should make for an interesting bus ride to the prison.

The stated side effects are interesting: dizziness, nausea, ringing in the ears, blurred vision combined with a raging erection. Sounds very much like college. And what an attractive specimen we may become, lurching about, falling over, zombie-like, all the while we're pitching a tent in our pants. Now it sounds like a typical first date.

My prescribed dosage is 25 mg, which wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that the pills are 100 mg oval pills. OVAL. Try cutting an oval pill into 4 equal parts with a knife (see pic) without winding up with a shard of Viagra embedded in your eye. That is not an emergency room visit you want to be involved in, my friend; those ER nurses will talk about THAT one for years. It will, however, not likely eclipse frozen rodents as the leader of foreign objects removed in an ER.

Redneck pill cutter
So, to the question you've been dying to, none of the side effects happened, not even the intended effect - at least not an urban legend-level effect. Maybe because it's just a quarter of the regular dosage, but I didn't feel anything different. Now you'll have to excuse me, I have walnuts to crack. Look Ma, no hands! Peace.

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